Then and Now

February 04, 2020


We often don’t realise the importance of family photos until it’s too late. Photos take us back in time and they can prompt so many memories of a person, time and place.  They are a great way to reminisce and they are part of our legacy. 

I have two sons aged 23 and 21 and a daughter aged 18.  They have all grown up in front of the camera and despite the hundreds of photos I have actually taken, I wish I had taken more. 

It has taken me ages to choose some photos to show you as I lost myself in a trip down memory lane but the old photos I have chosen are a few that hold very fond memories.  These photos were taken using my old 35mm SLR Minolta.  Back then I had my own darkroom in the garage and it was always exciting waiting for photos to appear during the development stage.  I haven’t been able to get my hands on the negatives as they are packed away somewhere, so I have had to scan the original prints.  They could be better but it gives you a rough idea.  The photo of the 3 of them together was just a quick snap but it is one of my favourites.  It just sums up their individual characters perfectly and I love it. 

Life is so busy but it is so important to capture fleeting moments so that you can look back on those photos and all the memories they hold.

Leading up to my 20 year work anniversary I have started to take photos of people I have photographed within that time, which I will team up with the old photos I have of them. 

‘You should never tire of looking at a photograph - it should have an effect on anyone that views it and it should live forever’

JennyJenny OliverOliver Joseph (1)Joseph (1)

JennyLRJennyLR OliverLROliverLR JosephLR1JosephLR1

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